Lovaniensia discloses the Collectio academica antiqua or the old academic collection. This collection groups all works published by members of the Old Louvain University, or the scientific output directly linked to the university, from its foundation in 1425 until the abolition by the French government in 1797. It is a unique collection, derived from the chief Belgian academic institution under the Ancien Régime. At the split of the university in the 1970’s, the collection was divided between both universities. The regrouping of these works on a common digital platform makes this collection again accessible as a whole, and that both to researchers as to anyone interested in the intellectual history of our regions. On this platform, the digitized works are being displayed together with a short biographical outline of these professors. The ultimate goal is the complete digitization of the old academic collection, also in the perspective of the 600th anniversary of the university (2025). At the moment, more than 2000 works have been uploaded.
Clenardus, Nicolaus (approximately 1493-1542)
Martens, Dirk
Despauterius, Joannes (1460-1520)
Badius, Josse
Barlandus, Adrianus (1486-1538)
Gryphius, Sébastien
Joannes Chrysostomus (ca. 345-407)
Rescius, Rutgerus (1497-1545)
Rescius, Rutgerus
Despauterius, Joannes (1460-1520)
Monheim, Joannes (1509 - 1564)
Withagius, Joannes I